85% of kids living in under-resourced communities never receive mental health care.

Here in Chicago, we’re changing that.

Across Chicago, kids are hurting. And when you’re hurting, learning is the last thing on your mind. At the Juvenile Protective Association, our vision is that no child ever has to struggle alone. We work to achieve this through our mission of bringing compassionate, innovative mental health resources directly to children in need and the adults who support them.

By providing therapeutic counseling in and after school, supporting social and child welfare workers, empowering parents and caregivers, and providing expert guidance to teachers and school staff, we’re helping kids in Chicago’s underserved neighborhoods navigate trauma and reach their fullest potential at home, in school, and in our communities.

You are the ally our kids need.

As long as there are children in Chicago – our kids – who are chronically hurting and facing trauma, abuse, or neglect alone, we risk leaving their potential unrealized. That’s not a risk we’re willing to take.

Your donation directly impacts the mental, emotional, and social well-being of over 4,000 kids, teachers, and caretakers across Chicago.

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of teachers report that JPA has a positive impact on the entire school

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of teachers say they respond more supportively and effectively to the needs of their students as a result of JPA’s services

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of teachers confirm JPA has a positive impact on students who receive JPA counseling

Our Generous Donors