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Programs & Services

School-Based Therapy

JPA provides individual and small-group therapy for children affected by trauma so they can express their emotions in a safe space and find ways to create positive, caring relationships with teachers and peers.

Child Welfare Programs

JPA shares best practices, conducts research, and provides training to child welfare agencies and other state and community partners to improve outcomes for vulnerable and traumatized children and families.



C2K was created to help teachers develop a deeper understanding of the social-emotional and mental health issues their students face, introduce teachers to the complexities of trauma and its impact on young children, and develop practical and caring interventions that more effectively support their students.

Professional Development

JPA provides responsive, customized Professional Development to clinical and school staff, community partners, and other agencies on trauma, child development, self-care and social emotional development among other topics.


Clinical Supervision

JPA believes clinicians need to take care of themselves in order to truly support the clients they serve.  Through clinical supervision, JPA provides training and reflective consultation to clinicians. 

Intern Program

 JPA offers advanced-level clinical internships to a select group of first and second-year Master's degree students in the mental health field.

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