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Clinical Supervision

Social work and counseling are an extremely demanding and complex field. It is expected that clinicians take the utmost care when supporting children and their families and in order to do so they need to be at their very best. 
As such, they deserve the very best in support and care for themselves.

JPA's Approach to
Clinical Supervision

Clinical supervision provides training and consultation to clinicians in an individual and/or group setting with a Licensed Clinical Social Worker, during which they can analyze specific cases in-depth; practice and apply evidenced-based theories and empirically supported interventions; assess the efficacy of these new skills; and hone their ability to build rapport and positive relationships with their clients.  This supervision time counts towards clinicians’ licensing requirements.


What Social Workers Saying:

"[JPA clinical supervision] has truly helped me problem solve through difficult situations and case studies and has provided a fresh and holistic perspective on some cases! [My supervisor] challenges me to think outside the box, ask important questions, and approach every situation from a therapeutic lens. [My supervisor] provides a safe space to work through ethical dilemmas and know and understand the importance of the work we are doing every day. I feel like it greatly impacts the work I do and the positive mindset I bring forth to each and every student and staff I work with." - Social Worker

"[JPA’s] group session has been extremely helpful for me to be able to talk through and get guidance through difficult situations that arise. [My supervisor] also has great knowledge of laws that apply to our job (pertaining to licensure, PD requirements, etc.). She also has helped me through individual supervision sessions work towards goals that we outlined together and ethical dilemmas that arise. She is really is a positive and helpful supervisor and I feel I have become a stronger social worker being in the supervision groups. I think it also helps to reduce burn-out to come together as a group every month and has made the social work team more collaborative and stronger.”
- School Social Worker

“I don't know where we'd be without JPA and…[their] support of our SW team (and for me) is a game changer for our organization.  Thank you!”

-Charter School Network Administrator

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